Who is the Hypocrite? Florida and Michigan democratic voters, the democratic presidential candidates or is it the DNC? We will soon see. This is the year of the RAT, how poignant is that? It’s a presidential election year and the Florida democrats are this year’s “King Rat.” Rats are rodents most of us in this country find disgusting; I find Florida democ-rats disgusting hypocrites in this 2008 presidential primary. Just for the record, this is not a newfound disgust with the democ-rats, I was the democratic nominee in 1992 for the Florida House of Representatives, District 113. However, I didn’t have the blessing of the Florida democratic party because I refused the Miami Dade County party’s offer to help me raise $10,000 to run in another Florida house race and not challenge their favorite Republican in House District 113. Go figure; that is when I learned the very important lesson that a citizens right to vote, and/or a candidate’s right to file and run for office is totally predicated on the whims and rules of the Party and its leadership. It’s their Party, and you either dance to the music or you have no right to participate.
The sad fact is that the voters in Florida and Michigan, or any other state in the union for that matter, are under the illusion that their votes should count once the DNC (major parties) lays down the law by stripping them of their delegates or any other damnation the “party gods” hand down. Americans somehow thinking they have voting rights shows the lack of understanding of this “two political party” monopoly. The fact that all the candidates in the Democratic presidential primary agreed with the DNC as to Florida and Michigan delegates, and now one candidate needs those votes to count because the nomination was no longer a cake walk, after South Carolina, shows something about a person’s character, which speaks volumes.
A candidate that would have challenged the DNC on day one, and said that to disenfranchise the rights of Florida and Michigan voters would now have the moral high ground. Likewise, anyone of the Democratic candidates reversing their position at this point is the worst kind of RAT. This would be a true democ-Rat that would change the rules in the fourth quarter. Remember when the Republicans, (Republ-I-cans), "stole" an election, counterparts played fast and loose in 2000; only a hypocrite democrat would say that was a different story.
My position is this, if any citizens voting rights have been violated, it’s the citizens not pledging their souls to the two major parties. As an Independent in the state of Florida; Michigan independents are disenfranchised as in most States. But in this republic democratic system there is no consistent voting system, that was vary clear in 2002. Therefore, in a strange twist of fate, my brother Independents’ in Texas and Ohio can cast a vote for the candidates of their choice. Independents have no right to vote in Florida’s primary. I want to be first in line to file suit as an Independent for the violation of my 14th amendment rights (Voters Rights Act 1965). Never trust a RAT. Who knows what’s next.
By Danny Couch ©
Danny Couch is a long-time social and political activist in Miami-Dade County. He is an advocate of and for the people, and has served in several public service capacities, including running for public office. He is a recognized voice for the rights of people in his native community, West Coconut Grove, and has held leadership positions throughout the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County. He resides in Miami with his family and continues to speak, write and work on relevant social issues throughout Miami-Dade and the world.
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