Saturday, May 31, 2008

One down...

...more investigations to go. Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones (yes, her again) must pay a $500 fine after pleading no-contest for not disclosing a $46,000 balance she has for legal fees. The law firm of Lydecker, Lee, Behar, Berger & de Zayas was representing Spence-Jones for another ethics investigation, according to the report in yesterday's Miami Herald.

You all are welcomed to head over to the report and check out for yourself the full breakdown of allegations against her. You do vote for these folks ya know.

If in fact we are in control of who represents our communities, which is VERY much questionable, shouldn't there be some concerns about the dealings of those who we elect now that all of this dirty laundry is coming out? IF (that's an if we need to examine) we are going to call these individuals our leaders, the next question is where exactly are they leading us? Do we want to continue to be led this way? How can we constantly criticize and complain about the outward enemy when it seems as though we are allowing our own to destroy from within?

Just some questions to throw out there as this drama unfolds...

(Photo source: Miami Sun Post)

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