Well, maybe. So the internet is now going somewhat nuts over a video of Rick Ross being asked about whether he used to be a Corrections Officer. You know, the Rick Ross who's music includes A LOT of gun and drug talk. Of course, Miami-Dade has heard rumblings of this since oh about 2006! The interviewer stated that "Trick Daddy had said that you used to be a prison guard." If that ain't some "he say she say" then who knows what is! Check it out for yourself...
I dont understand why rappers and label heads feel like the consumers want a gimic and a fabricated story of the background of an artist in order to sell records... we want what's real... and he makes good music... trust his street cred may go down a bit... but he still makes hits
Your guess is as good as mine as to why people feel they must perpetuate lies to sell. Especially in this tech age where you can find out almost anything on ANYBODY with a few clicks and some phone calls!
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