Wednesday, March 19, 2008

County approves "settlement" with Empowerment Trust

There's a surprisingly small article in today's Miami Herald about Dade County's settlement with the Miami-Dade Empowerment Trust (that's the County-created agency that was supposed to use funding to implement economic development in our poorest neighborhoods...and well...they didn't).

According to the report, the County agrees to take back some land that the Trust was responsible for, some money, and THE KILLER: "legal and financial responsibility for the the trust's employees and board members." Hmmmmm. This does not include criminal activity, but looks like a little sweep under the rug! The sad truth to this all is that there are still unfinished projects started under the umbrella of this trust, and our communities still lack the economic development promised. And now it seems no one will be brought to task for it. Give your commissioners and "holla" and see how the County plans to rectify broken promises, the answers should be interesting. (Source)

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