Monday, January 14, 2008

Florida Primary...are YOU ready?

Hey all!! Its been one busy weekend, so sorry for not posting as much.
Well our primary election is January 29th, and if you haven't prepared yourself to cast your vote, now would be the time, its never too late to get educated on the candidates and how they feel on the issues! is a great website that I found that breaks down each candidate and their stances and votes (if they are currently or previously have been in office) on the major issues Americans will be basing their votes on.

Florida has always had the eyes of the country on our primary in the past, am I the only one that feels its been a little...well..."light" on the exposure in Florida this year? Most mainstream and indie news outlets have been reporting that the one of the only candidates to focus on Florida has been Rudy Guiliani (I'm not sure that's a good thing). I've seen the commercials...same rhetoric in a New York accent. Anyway, enough of my opinion! Check out the candidates and how they've spoken out or voted on things from civil rights to abortion to immigration HERE


B said...

I'm glad you posted this! Because I'm without the internet half of the time and cable ALL of the time and newspapers NEVER of the time, it is hard to keep up with what is goin' on. Runnin' to the website....

Q. Philo Sophia said...

Miss Dade,
I am so proud of you. I love the blog. You told me about it and did it. I usedthe website to look up the candidates and I am elated that I have this resource! Not only will I be using this but i'm making sure I share this.