The Miami Herald is reporting that a U.S. Attorney is going after the Miramar 'set' of the Bloods gang using the RICO Act. It is reported that alleged members of the gang are being charged with racketeering under the RICO Act, more widely known for being used to take down mob organizations. I'm still trying to figure out when large, nationally known gangs touched down in South Florida! Please people, help me get from the rock which I have obviously been under. Anyway, I'm guessing this equals longer sentences and harsher charges for those that are alleged to be affiliated? My law heads can help me out here.
Click HERE for the entire report.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Miramar 'Bloods' targeted under RICO Act
Right On Sis! + 2 more cents
Shout out to Ms. Vanessa over at Blogging Black Miami for a great post today. I agree it is high time that the people of Miami-Dade get the truth for a change in this Related Group/Miami Commission/Michelle Spence-Jones saga that seems to be playing out in the media. Click HERE to read what she's got to say on the matter.
I will add that Black leadership (which is starting to look more like Black elitism) in South Florida has become very disheartening. No disrespect to my elders, but my generation seems to be the one everyone likes to call 'out of control.' Whooooaaaa, are we reading the same headlines? Looks like we ALL need to come to the table and establish some accountability for the happenings of our community on BOTH sides of the generation gap!
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Monday, January 28, 2008
'Roc' or 'Rock'?
Hey all! Just a quick line about the discussion on my fav radio show in the morning, the Steve Harvey Morning Show! As many of you know, Steve and the crew (minus Carla and baby, congrats!) were in Miami at the Joseph Caleb Center last Friday for a live show. I enjoyed so much Steve, Shirley Strawberry and Nephew Tommy's interaction with the crowd and the kids from Miami Central (ROCKETS!!!) and Miami Jackson (GENERALS!!!). Some of the kids from each school were brought to the show as part of Steve Harvey's mentoring problem. Steve shouted the Rockets and Generals out several times during the show, and dedicated a song for them...
The song was Jay-Z's 'Roc Boys', and so the issue began...
Steve spoke this morning about an email he received for a Miami listener who was disturbed that Steve dedicated this song for the kids, stating that the song is about drug dealing and the dope game. With the problems plaguing our communities in Dade (and around the country) and the areas the kids are from, I'm not surprised at the concern. I'm a young person, but I do understand that parents and our elders are trying to turn the wheel back to positivity. So there was discussion on today's show and on the morning show's EMAIL BOARD about what the lyrics to Jay's song really mean.
Come on y'all. I know the song begins as a "Speech!," but I doubt that the thanks to the 'connect' 'hustlas' 'lil' kim and dem' is an allusion to the hip-hop industry (now dubbed the 'rap game' yes like the 'dope game' they slangin' these tracks!). I think that there was some confusion from Steve and others about what the content meant, as much of street slang is used by rappers. And as we all should know, Jay-Z is one of the masters of artistically integrating metaphors and double-meaning in the bars of his songs. And its obvious the 'Roc Boys' refers to Jay's (and Dame's, former I guess) Rocafella crew. But let's be real...unless Jay-Z claims otherwise, the songs alludes to the drug game. After all, he has said that the album American Gangster was inspired by the movie that chronicled the life of former notorious dope boy Frank Lucas. So although the lyrics can relate to other aspects of life, including the entertainment business, my interpretation of the lyrics is they are in step with the theme of the album: the life of a kingpin (the rise & fall, listen to the whole CD people!).
Now I won't take sides on whether Steve Harvey and his crew should no longer play the song. That's treading the very thin line of free speech that I don't want to try and cross (the censors does a better job than I ever could). I just wanted to note my perspective on the lyrics of the song, and why I understand why someone from Dade would be disturbed that the song would be dedicated to the kids in Green & White and Green & Gold. I also don't want to infringe on Jay's artistic right to express himself and tell a story through his craft.
Gotta mention that those kids proved to be wonderful examples of what great future leaders are coming out of our communities and schools, despite the odds, so props to them, Dade County was well-represented! Much respect to Mr. Harvey and the Crew as well for recognizing them and inspiring future generations to excel.
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Friday, January 25, 2008
Say What Sarnoff?
Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff on the proposed 3AM cut-off to sell alcohol in Coconut Grove clubs and bars:
"Coconut Grove needs to start servicing the wealthy people."HUH??? Maybe I've missed the service to the working-class, low-income residents of The Grove during all my years of growing up there (you know, us on the other side that some wish would go away). Newsflash Commissioner, wealthy people are NOT the only people living in The Grove; in actuality, they are the new-comers. Here's another tip for ya: wealthy people are NOT the only residents concerned about drunk party-goers driving through their streets. Regardless, your mission to push this proposal should be in the best interest of ALL of Coconut Grove's residents. After all, that's who you represent. I'm pretty sure your intentions aren't as one-sided as they sound.
Click HERE for all the details of the proposal in today's Miami Herald. Read more!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Well, well, well...
And so it begins, or continues...the foolishness I mean. Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones (District 5, yes YOU Overtown!) has reached some type of agreement to pay $8,000 for fines stemming from violations of election laws she was cited for during her campaign against Reverend Richard Dunn in 2005. One of the violations was for supposedly paying $23,000 in cash to poll workers (against Florida law that states poll workers must be paid with checks). Spence-Jones stated that the agreement to pay the fines is not an admission of guilt...ok.
Click HERE to read the entire Miami Herald article on this latest mess. Oh! and the comments section, very telling.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Opa Locka Police Chief Wright Fired
Here we go again! Today's Miami Herald online edition is reporting that Opa Locka Police Chief James Wright has been fired. You may remember my earlier post about Chief Wright filing a complaint, claiming that Commissioner Gail Miller (Opa Locka) had threatened his job over treatment of her daughter at work. Looks like Commissioner Miller's alleged threats (which she has fervently denied) have become reality for Chief Wright. Click HERE for the full story and excerpts of the letter to Wright from Opa Locka City Manager Jannie Beverly.
Briscooo! Briscooo! Holla at them.
Better yet, Opa Locka residents! Holla at your City Officials ASAP. Your community deserves better than foolishness and political back-biting (which happens often lately there)! How can Opa Locka move forward progressively with so many steps backward? Just a question...
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Dade vs. Broward Football
Well, it seems the County to the north won the classic battle this time. I repeat THIS TIME! Broward football, you may have the victory this year, but we all know what time it is in terms of players and teams collectively, we are the best (no DJ Khaled reference intended)! And Dade County still dominates Broward in the famous series, so don't celebrate too hard guys!
Its all in fun and good football. Congratulations to both Miami-Dade and Broward County high school football players for a excellent job on the fields this past season!
Click HERE for the full report on the game from the Miami Herald.
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Monday, January 21, 2008
What's a "Black Leader?"
Check out an interesting article in today's Miami Herald about the changing dynamics and social position of today's Black "leaders" HERE
Let me know what you all think about their analysis of leadership roles in our community. Is the change from traditional views of a "leader" a good thing? As the dynamics of the struggle for equality and justice change for us, is it necessary to have a "leader" of sorts speak for us? Just some questions to ponder!
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It's Dr. King's Day!
Hi all! Technical difficulties have kept me back from posting in the past few days, but I'm back up. I wanted to shoot a quick post to you all to let you know we're still here, so no worries, but that's computer's for ya!
Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day all around the country. In honor of Dr. King, I wanted to post a little known and rarely heard SPEECH of his. We all have heard the famous and moving "I Have a Dream" speech so much, that we could probably recite it right now! Dr. King touched on such a variety of topics, from war to poverty, and so we must expand our view of his vision by using our resources today to find and act on the many great things he had to say about what plagued our country. These issues are still part of our problem as a nation today. So take time out on this holiday to reflect on Dr. King's vision and mission, his point of view, and take the time to create your own. We can all contribute to making this a better place and honoring his legacy, as well as the legacies of those who walked and fought with him.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Arrest made in Stepha Henry's disappearance
I am saddened to post this one, truly saddened. I know that many of you, including myself, have been following the disappearance of Stepha Henry ever since she was reported missing last May. This sista, a John Jay College honors graduate and New York native, had come down to South Florida to visit family, celebrate her sister's birthday, and enjoy Memorial Day Weekend festivities. She reportedly went out to Pepper's Cafe in Broward (which has since been renamed) and did not return to her aunt's house the next day.
The Miami Herald is reporting that Kendrick Lincoln Williams has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder and tampering with evidence in Stepha's case. He was apprehended and questioned New York. Investigators say that a large amount of blood found in Williams' car and issued the warrant for his arrest. Click HERE for the entire report.
I want to send my condolences to Racquel Henry (Stepha's cousin) at USF and your family. My prayers are with you all and He will see you through! The wonderful memories of Stepha will always remain alive in your hearts and minds!! Rest in peace Stepha.
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Monday, January 14, 2008
The MegaPlan for Miami: What's it to Overtown?
This photo, courtesy of The Overtown Collaborative, is of historic Overtown in 1900.
Check out Part 1 of The Miami Herald's new series "The Megaplan for Miami," where they focus on the role new developments introduced by Miami Mayor Manny Diaz to "revitalize" the city affects historic Overtown HERE. It still amazes me how some people underestimate the value of this town, its people, its culture and Overtown's tremendous history (check out the comments to this story to see what I mean). The contributions of historic Overtown and its people are part of what made Miami what it is today, if we want to be REAL.
In its hay-day (you know, when Black folks weren't allowed into Downtown unless we were cleaning up), entertainers, intellectuals, authors, civil rights leaders and working-class folks from around the country to enjoy the culture and comfort Overtown had to offer. Its easy to write off a community that, on the surface, seems like just another "ghetto" hood riddled with drugs, gun violence, and decrepit housing. No one wants to HONESTLY look at how it got that way though. Critics sound off about Overtown, but seem to gloss over the MANY hard-working people, that powerhouse of a school across the highway and the profound unity of a neighborhood so abandoned and misused by ills of the past that took place in this city. If there is to be a plan proposed to make a serious and beneficial turn-around in Overtown, honest needs to be first on the table. The problems didn't come about overnight, and painting the town with an expensive and dismissive brush won't help either. Let's hope this new plan is an attempt to do what's right by a community so wronged before.
Check out some history of this great community at the Overtown Collaborative's main site HERE
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Florida Primary...are YOU ready?
Hey all!! Its been one busy weekend, so sorry for not posting as much.
Well our primary election is January 29th, and if you haven't prepared yourself to cast your vote, now would be the time, its never too late to get educated on the candidates and how they feel on the issues! is a great website that I found that breaks down each candidate and their stances and votes (if they are currently or previously have been in office) on the major issues Americans will be basing their votes on.
Florida has always had the eyes of the country on our primary in the past, am I the only one that feels its been a little...well..."light" on the exposure in Florida this year? Most mainstream and indie news outlets have been reporting that the one of the only candidates to focus on Florida has been Rudy Guiliani (I'm not sure that's a good thing). I've seen the commercials...same rhetoric in a New York accent. Anyway, enough of my opinion! Check out the candidates and how they've spoken out or voted on things from civil rights to abortion to immigration HERE
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
City Officials "Opa Locka goonin'?"
From the looks of new allegations, some of Opa Locka's City officials and employees belong on a song with Brisco! The Miami Herald released a report today that City Police Chief James Wright has formally complained by letter that his job has been threatened by Opa Locka City Commissioner Gail Miller. His complaint alleges that his position has been threatened over the treatment of Miller's daughter, Tamika, who is a City employee. He allegedly received the threat via a voice mail to his cellphone after Miller's daughter was "reprimanded" for her job performance by Wright's former Deputy Chief (as Tamika Miller used to work in the police department).
According to the report, the former Deputy Chief is called by the person leaving the message "...that punk-a** deputy chief you got there..." and the caller goes on to say that Wright is "...going to wish you never had him when I'm threw with y'all."
Commissioner Miller, whose brother and mother have been Mayor of Opa Locka, is denying the allegations that she made the calls. Miller has made complaints DURING A COMMISSION MEETING (*WHY???*) about her daughter's work conditions (working in a trailer with no AC).
Sound off peeps, ESPECIALLY Opa Locka peeps. Check out your tax dollars at work!
Click HERE for the entire report in today's Miami Herald.
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Congrats Booker T.'s Coach Harris!
The Towners have done again! '07 was definitely year of the Tornadoes (and Bulls, don't chew me up! LOL). Head Coach Tim Harris was named USA Today's National Coach of the year 2007 for the tremendous 14-0 season BTW had last year. Booker T. went on to win Class 4A State Championship as well. The historic school has come back to show that they are a Dade County powerhouse after being a middle school from desegregation days up until the year 2000, when it once again became a senior high school. Check out the report over at Blogging Black Miami HERE.
Photo is courtesy of
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Questioning begins in Officer Walker's death
Photo is courtesy of and WSVN-7 Miami.
Police have begun questioning people in the shooting death of Miami detective James Walker of the Domestic Violence Unit and have a description of a vehicle they are looking for. Officer Walker, a 30 year old graduate of Miami Jackson Senior High, and had joined the City of Miami Police Department in 2000. Continuing coverage from many news outlets is, of course, underway. The Herald's website reported earlier this morning that Officer Walker was in an unmarked car in North Miami, when the car was apparently riddled with bullets not long after he went off duty.
And OF COURSE! the Herald's comments section is LIT UP with reactions to the comment made by a spokesman for the police department stating that "there's no place for a cop killer to hide." Some are upset at the notion that its big news and big hunt when a cop is killed, yet no similar talk for regular citizens. There's also some rants about cops going on rampages (sometimes violent) in response to these shootings of fellow law enforcement (this has been a discussion all over Florida). I'm gonna just stay out of that out of respect for the fact that A MAN, who happened to be in a public service capacity, has been killed, and he was someone's son/brother/husband/friend/colleague.
We'll have more as things develop. Everyone be safe out there.
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Miami cop shot and killed
The Miami Herald is reporting the shooting death of City of Miami Detective James Walker. Detective Walker was off-duty at the time and reportedly sitting in an unmarked police car in North Miami Beach early this morning. According to the article, Walker is the fifth police officer to be killed by gunfire since November 2006 in the South Florida area. Of course, this just happened, so details are very sketchy.
Go HERE for the entire article.
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Monday, January 7, 2008
Music Mondayz
Hey all! We're started something new on Black-N-Dade. Who doesn't LOVE some good music? Well, we do, so Mondays will be dedicating to all things music out of the Sunshine State. New music is coming out on what seems like a daily basis in the Miami mainstream hip-hop scene, so check back for some thoughts. We're also looking for new music in and around Dade County on the underground and local circuits. We've got some great musicians and artists in Dade and throughout Florida, so this should be fun!
*Note: This site is dedicated to Dade County and the state of Florida, meaning our main focus will be homegrown talent. Its all love though!
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
Let's talk comments...
Ok, so I like to believe I'm an advocate of the supposed "freedom of speech" that we have in this country. I'm probably one of the last people to try and stop someone from expressing themselves, with the EXCEPTION that their expression does not hurt, harm or potentially endanger someone physically or emotionally. But I will say this...I do NOT tolerate blatant disrespect and outright hateful comments from anyone in person, and that will NOT take place on this blog as well. I think that a sign of adulthood and maturity is the ability to state your opinion, a fact, or give a great argument for your point of view without attacking someone personally (given that the topic is not that person's character).
It's apparently the "thing" on the 'net for random people to go around to the websites of popular newspapers, blogs and magazines and spread their racist, sexist, classist and hateful ideologies in the comment sections of these publications. And of course, the website of the Miami Herald is no exception now-a-days. Stroll over there to see what I mean. It's almost a given now that I can read the title of an article and guess correctly EVERY TIME that there will be the following type of comments:
"Nobody cares about a drug dealer, especially a negroid one."And those are the light ones! Bishop Victor Curry wrote to the Miami Herald a few months back in response to the disrespectful and ignorant comments that tend to flood the site on certain stories (mainly those involving Black and Latino subjects). My question is where is the regulation of this site? With the lack of employment in our County, and with half their online readers suggesting that we "negroids" need to get jobs, it isn't too far-fetched to hire someone to read and DELETE comments such as these. I'm pretty sure this ignorance doesn't fall in line with the journalistic integrity and basic human ethics of the Miami Herald and its writers, right? Or maybe they don't care, that's a good possibility too, one that I'm really starting to wonder about seeing how long these type of comments stay up on their site.
"I love how black people say this could happen to any other race BUT it always seems to happen to Blacks. Coincidence? I think not! Please go back to the motherland."
All I'm saying is, let's be adults (young and old) about the topics we discuss here. We can disagree all day, hey having your own mindset is great! But save your ignorance for around the water cooler and your family rooms, I know how some people do! Or how about get rid of the ignorance, being that its a new year and all :)
~BND Read more!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Joshua Arroliga, 11, killed minutes before 2008

Photo is courtesy of
Reason number 1,063,856 why shooting on New Year's Eve is NOT SMART! 11-year-old Joshua Arroliga (pictured above) was shot several times and killed while hiding behind a couch in his Opa Locka apartment complex. Joshua was reportedly playing hide-and-seek minutes before the new year, when Zenon Fernandez, of the same complex, shot at the couch Joshua was hiding behind to celebrate the New Year. Fernandez apparently thought shooting in the air would be "too dangerous." How about SHOOTING AT ANYTHING is dangerous! Check out the video story HERE.
Go ahead with your comments family, I think I'm at a loss for anymore words. One more child in Miami-Dade is gone over foolishness and it saddens me to the fullest.
Read more!Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Overtown for sale?
Of course, the New Year couldn't begin without a little good ol' Dade County drama and antics from local government. As some of you may know, the Crosswinds Project, a supposed $200 million condo project set to erect in historic Overtown, is in lingo...again! Yesterday's Miami Herald is reporting that City and County government are in a "battle" over ownership of the property (located near the historic Lyric Theater on 8th Street and 2nd Ave) proposed for the project that could scrap it all together. The City has reportedly filed a lawsuit to stop County takeover of the land.
This isn't the first set of controversy for this condo project, which has been heavily supported by Commissioners such as Michelle Spence-Jones (City of Miami) and Mayor Manny Diaz (City of Miami). We'll have more about them later!
Power U for Social Change (shout out to you all!) fought back through the courts last to have the project delayed, as the organization claimed the supposed "mixed-income" units were too highly priced for current Overtown residents (sound familiar Dade County folks? yeah, the 'G-word' in effect). Power U had the 2006 approval thrown out, but according to the Herald, City of Miami officials approved it AGAIN last month (surprise, surprise!).
In all this decision-making, we have yet to hear what the residents of Overtown want and need for their own community...basically because local government isn't trying to hear that! $ is speaking loud and clear in Miami once again!
Check out the full report from the Miami Herald HERE
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